HE is my strong tower, and the road I travel is the one He has paved for me. I hope these stories and pictures bring many laughes, and help share where this journey is leading me.
Thursday, December 30, 2004
My ping-pong friends who I have hung out with many days. They are my age, 24. They don't speak any english...so we are trying to learn how to communicate with speaking full sentences. But we can always play ping-pong with having to talk too much!!
This was a picture of the lunch my ping-pong friends and I shared. New experience and new foods! I think we have a lot of pig parts on this table...but i'm not exactly sure what it all was, so I didn't ask. All the vegetables were safe, so I stuck to those. Good times with new friends!
This is my cat, Neo, that i adopted, and my new friend. Mom, don't be decieved by her cute, innocent pose in this picture. She has a definite wild streak in her...so she's a little crazy!
A great mountain few from the river that runs through the city. Isn't it beautiful! As soon as it's warm enough I'm going to scale those mountains. This is the ice skating track on the river. The Chinese are incredible ice skaters!!!
I'm chair skating! Haha, that's right, chair skating on the river that runs through the city. It's a little chair with blades on the bottom of it. We had a blizzard this day, so the ice was covered with snow.
This is my friend from Germany who I hung out with in Hong Kong...she was way cool and was headed to Austrialia. We had the same layover so we explored Hong Kong together.
Take a break from all the plans that you have made and sit alone at home and wait for God to whisper. Beg Him please to open up His mouth and speak and pray for real upon your knees until they blister... Jimmy Needham