Friday, April 08, 2005

a cool view from the top of the wall... Posted by Hello

i went to visit a part of the Great Wall of China, not the main part though...this is very near North Korea. Posted by Hello

i guess they go pheasant hunting in China too... Posted by Hello

this is the boat we took that took us very near North Korea... Posted by Hello

these are traditional Manchurian a Manchu restaurant. Posted by Hello

sweet haircut! Posted by Hello

noodle making in action! i think the picture made him nervous though. I love chinese noodles! Posted by Hello

The Jade Palace! It's full of all kind of jade carvings. Did you know that most of the Jade in the world is mined in China? A majority of it actually comes from this city, which is nearby the city I live in.  Posted by Hello

Jade is really beautiful, but it's sad that most of it is carved into some sort of idol. Posted by Hello

this piece of jade costs something like 5 million American dollars. I asked them if they had sold any of the pieces like that, and they said, "no, that's why they are on display." lol, i don't know who would pay that much for this even though it is beautiful. Posted by Hello

this is a picture of North Korea across the bay, and they really have a ferris wheel, but from what I've heard no one has ever seen it running. it makes it look like North Korea is a nice place to visit, but I guess we'll never know. Posted by Hello

oh no! it's a flat tire! this happens often here, maybe because the tires just aren't made to last. Posted by Hello

can you guess the specialty served at this restaurant? it's so sad! Posted by Hello

this is my bank... Posted by Hello

my basketbal buddies! Posted by Hello

the guy on the left can really fly on the ice! the guy on the right is a fellow Okie!! woohoo! Posted by Hello

it's a race, it's a race!  Posted by Hello

i think we are about to fall down while we are posing for this picture... Posted by Hello

some friends and I ice skating...i'm terrible at ice skating! Posted by Hello

We are out Christmas caroling in the countryside with a group of Americans who came to visit during Christmas.  Posted by Hello

check out the ice scupltures under the bridge. people actually go chair skating under them. pretty sweet, uh? Posted by Hello

sorry, I couldn't resist! I guess the little guy couldn't quite make it to the bathroom, so he just squatted right outside the outhouse. or maybe somebody was using it, or it is possible he just felt like going there. when you gotta go, you gotta go, right? Posted by Hello

what's for dinner?  Posted by Hello

my friend who stands outside all day selling phone cards, and never complains about much of anything! she belongs to the Father, and her joy is from Him! Posted by Hello

cricket anyone? they are out for their morning game of cricket, and I sure wouldn't want to challenge them to a game. I think they have some experience with the game, what do you think? Posted by Hello