Sunday, November 20, 2005

Thanksgiving fun! Posted by Picasa

the turkey run...we made up our own turkey run on Thanksgiving, and our own t-shirts...woohoo! Posted by Picasa

carving the turkey... Posted by Picasa

Thanksgiving dinner...mmm! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

a Nosu man sitting on the mountaintop... Posted by Picasa

adorable!...we gave these kids sunglasses, braclets, and little cars...but they started fighting over the toys, lol. i had some much fun playing with these 2 kids. Posted by Picasa

in the Nosu culture, the women work in the fields, cook all the food, feed the livestock, and take care of the kids...i don't think there is much they can't do. this lady is cutting up potatoes with a massive knive to feed the pigs. Posted by Picasa

smokin' a pipe Posted by Picasa

i'm always amazed how much the ladies can carry on their backs... Posted by Picasa

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a Nosu friend we met is trying to build us a fire under his wool coat...brrr, it was a cold night! Posted by Picasa

...and soon we will have a successful fire, woohoo! Posted by Picasa

Nosu sheep herders hanging out on the mountains side...they have all the time in the world while they are watching their sheep so they like to play musical intrustments like the flute you see in the picture. Posted by Picasa